Life and Renewal

Creating life is a complex process.

For anyone who has tried to start a family and still pats their furbaby at nighttime, I know it can be a tough road to walk.

Without going into any detail, Amanda and I have taken pause for the last few months with our next books as we concentrated on some “me time” before the birth of our first child, and the wonderful weeks after that.

Our daughter, born in November 2022, came out looking around the room like she was saying, “What am I doing here, and who are all these people?”

We only had one name chosen for our little girl, and if she didn’t come out with that feeling of the name, we would have to find another.

If you’ve read our book, you might have guessed it by now – Our next-generation author’s (maybe) name is Jayne Breeze.

The two of us are slowly filtering into writing more, but babies take a considerable amount of looking after, and then there is the catching up on sleep and cleaning when they are asleep.

The featured image is for the new star in our life.

There will be more coming soon…

Cheeky grin during an outing
Lunch out with other families

Published by Lee Breeze

Science Fiction Novelist

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